Detox Pearl is a non-medicated treatment that aid women with a natural cleanse of her vaginal with 100 % natural herbs.
- Anti-Inflammatory
- Worm Bacterial & Viruses Killing
- Aid to Infertility due to Gynecological Inflammation
- Nourishing
- Vaginal Tightening
- Sex Quality Promoting
- Ph Value Balance
- Vagina& Womb Cleaning
- Normal Menstruation.
Detox Pearl consist in onetreatment of 3 pearls. This treatment can be repeated twice a month.
- 1st pearl 16 to 24 hours. (Let your vagina rest for 24 hours then apply next pearl)
- 2nd 48 hours to 72 hours. (Let your your vagina rest for 24 hours then apply next pearl)
- 3erd up to 72 hours. ( Allow your vagina to get rid of toxins for 3 days before having intercourse.
- Ingredients
- Radix Angelicae Sinensis,Motherwort Herb,Sangusis draconis,Ligusticum Wallichii,Myrrh,Amur Corktree Bark,Radix Sophora Flavescentis,Radix Salviae Miltiorrhizae,Flos Carthami,Semen Persicae,Cortex Moutan,Radix Aucklandiae,Lignum Santali Albi,Rhizoma Cyperi,Common Cnidium Fruit,Radix Stemonae,Fructus Kochiae,Rhizoma smilacis glabrae,Borneol